Sunday, January 31, 2010

Good Sunday

I'll be honest. I didn't do much today. I made a few cards. One for David's friend, Ray. And I started one for Ms. Coil. Her birthday is coming soon and I have an idea but I'm still playing with it...anyway, can't say too much since she pops over here occasionally. Other than that, I still have V-Day cards on the brain. I think it's all the RED that I love. I should've been a Harlot in the Paris in the days of Marquis and Madames and all the fooling around in back bedrooms...then I'd have a reason to give away all of these Valentine's Day cards. Instead, I get all jazzed up about making them and then pfft, nothing, Nada. There they'll sit until I get all jazzed up next year. I did borrow some stamps from work. Oh, it's like Christmas in February.
I get to play and play and, I need new inks (I'm seriously lacking there) and I need to buy some Big Shot toys. I need embossers and stuff...more paper stuff. yeah, that's what I need :).

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Bad Mommy Day

UGH! I was a bad mommy today. I ROYALLY screwed up today. My son was left @ school w/out a ride. I SWEAR I thought Michael said he was going to pick him up, so today after MY dad forgot to come get me to take me to the dentist for my ROOT canal. I told him NOT to worry about pickup Bryan because Michael was getting him. He says that he told me he was busy. I DID NOT get that message.
David came home and yelled at me...which I would've done the same thing, but I can't stop crying now, and I feel so BAD. I'm like those parents that dropped the kid off at the aunt's house while she was asleep and the kid wanders off. I'm going to have child protective services called on me. What an idiot am I?

I'm over here sleeping away. I didn't even hear the phone ring. The only excuse I can give is that I had a Valium before the appointment and shots in my mouth and my mouth was sore and numb and all I wanted to do was sleep.

Of course they called me while I was out to the world. Michael tried calling David and the dumb SOB gets frantic phone messages from Michael. BUT my dumb SOB husband didn't have his personal cell phone on him...which I've asked him to do so he gets all panicked and freaked and comes running in and yells at me.

My sweet little boy was great. Tells me it was a little mistake. And of course one of the "stay at home" moms was stuck at school with him waiting for my poor parents to race across town to get him. Ugh, I'm a bad mom today!

Christmas Slide Show

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So maybe I blog once a week

I was thinking about my blog over the weekend and it dawned on me that I haven't written on it for a whole week. This weekend was a little nutty with dental appointments and birthday planning etc.

My little boy has bad teeth. It's not really his fault. He has his mother's teeth. His father never got cavities, but his mother spent many days at the dentist and hence my fear of the dentist has never gone away. So, we have to do better regarding the sugar intake. We're cutting out the Capri Sun drinks and all other sugar.

He went with his friend Kyle to the Art Sports gym to go tumbling. He sat out early said he wasn't feeling well. They took the kids for ice cream afterwards and he didn't want any because he said - he didn't want any cavities. That just breaks my heart. He's scared and his upcoming appointment is all he thinks about. I wish I could take that fear away. I wish he wasn't like me in that way...teeth and fear. I want a strong kid who isn't afraid of the dentist. How do you do that when you're afraid of the dentist? Ugh!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sushi and Karma

Ms. Coil told me that it was bad karma that is to blame for what happened on Saturday night. I think my sushi karma needs an injection of good light. All through the holidays, I had good shopping karma. I usually found a good parking spot or I got through the checkout lines without a long wait. When it comes to luck is running a little light. David took me to eat at my favorite sushi restaurant on Saturday night. First of all, they were having a large wedding reception at the restaurant so we had to wait quite a while for a table. The remanining part of the restaurant was packed with people trying to squeeze in the few available tables. Plus, I realize that while I've always been proud to be an American, I understand the view of "Americans" as obnoxious. It was a very stereotypical situation. My husband and I were sitting at our table next to a lesbian couple (I thinkthey were lesbian)and this guy comes up and is having a loud conversation on his bluetooth. For some reason in a Japanese restaurant I get very aware of my loud voice. Maybe it's the quiet/stealthy-ness of the staff but either way I feel like a bull in the china closet. So, this guy is having a confab with his buddy who evidently came and left and did not notice that Ron and Sheila were already here. Two time the wait staff about ran into him since he was standing in front of their station where they get drinks dropoff dirty dishes - their hub of activity. So, to get out of their way, he stands next to me - while on the phone. It was rude- I say - go outside or somewhere NOT on the dining room floor.
I wonder, if I go and eat A LOT of sushi...will that improve my sushi karma? Maybe that's how you improve your karma - do it A LOT more?!
So, I must have bad sushi karma. Well, it wasn't too bad because the sushi was yummy and my hubby actually liked the stuff I picked. He's so picky - he can't handle the Avalanche (too spicy). Wouldn't eat the philly with salmon and cream cheese. What a wuss!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Back to the grind

So, I guess I'm a fair-weather blogger. I go back to work and I completely abandon all of my new year's resolutions for the blog. Ah well, I guess if I was a stay at home mom I would have the time to blog every day or every week. Consequently, it's another one of those things that I ultimately don't really feel all that guilty about because I'm too tired to care. This week, I've been tired and my teeth hurt. This temporary crown stuff is painful. I have to take tylenol first thing when I wake up and before I eat dinner or else I'm in pain until I go to bed. David's like, why don't you call the dentist...well two things. I'm in school - I don't really have time to go to another appointment and I don't know that there's much they can do while I'm dealing with the temp crown. Ugh, plus I REALLY hate the dentist and if I can avoid it - I'm not going to go if I don't ABSOLUTELY have to go. In this case, my liver will regenerate, right?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse

So, I decided that before the end of the year, I would go see New Moon. I really didn't like the second OR the third installment in the Stephanie Meyer series so I wasn't ALL that jazzed about seeing this movie. I guess the author did a great job of creating all of this super duper intense teen angst and longing and that feeling of being in love that in the VERY beginning of the second book she breaks them up?! Oh, I hate it when they do that on television shows too. This reminds of a TV show that I don't watch anymore...
Renee and I used to watch Grey's Anatomy. We watched the first season and it was great it had drama and flirty sexy banter and it was great. It was even okay when they brought the ex-wife back and that put a damper on things...but turned all Days of Our Lives and next thing you know she's jumping into the Puget Sound and Dr. Dreamy is fishing her out of the water all blue and stupid. I dunno...I lost all interest in the whole thing. I've tried watching and I tried getting into it but it's just too daytime soap at night for me...which brings me to New Moon.

I felt like S. Meyer pulled a little Days of Our Lives on me in the second book. I will give her credit because the break up scene in the book was Awesome! Immediately after Edward dumps her she lays down in the forest and wants to die and then the next pages are literally October (on a page), November, December...I loved that. If you're going to break the couple - make it so someone wants to throw up...or as Bella puts it - there's a hole in my chest and I can't breath. That's kick ya in the gut love - and Meyer got that right...but then the DOL stuff started and she lost me.
I didn't give two rats about the book until she jumps off the cliff. Again, cool scene and I liked Alice showing up...all good. I think I was waiting for the jumping off the cliff so I could get into it. The movie was like the book in the respect that they spend ALL this time together working some junker bikes and then blammo okay no more motorcycles. The reason in the story to stop riding is okay but it felt contrived in both the movie and the book. Maybe I'm asking too much for a Young Adult story because I guess teens have that level of attention span in real life too. Hey, let's spend all of our energy on this one thing...ok, I'm done with that.

I dunno know. I don't have a good answer for the Jacob love triangle. Maybe if she hadn't done SUCH a good job with the first book and nailed that teen love thing - I might have bought the whole Jacob love interest but she didn't give him much of a bone in the second book for there to be this Team Jacob or Team Edward baloney.
The movie helped A LOT in regards to the DRAGGING out her maudlin pining for Edward. She only had about a 1/3 of the movie to be stupid and they had to condense a lot of the blah blah blah he's a werewolf stuff - so that was good and I loved the set up for the third.

To be honest, I really need to go back and read the third book before June because I was in SUCH a rush to get to the fourth book (and really Breaking Dawn was a close second in quality to Twilight) that I power-read the third book and don't remember much of that book. The main thing I remember after Eclipse was that I wanted to slap Edward, Bella AND Jacob by the end of it. I thought what a bunch of idiots and I was sick of the lot of them. The fourth book made up for a lot of the nonsense. So, I'll shut up and let the movie makers do their magic.

On an un-related note. After the movie at about 12:45, I was walking to my car and I saw these two teenage girls standing outside the theater. I assume they were waiting for their ride BUT neither of them had on a winter coat. They both had hoodies on and one of the girls was wearing ballet slipper type shoes without socks. Yes, I'm old and I'm a mother because ALL I could think was how can I approach these two girls and tell to go stand inside the theater or go by Nawlins restaurant/bar because they had an outdoor fire pit (it's for smokers) but at least it would have been heat. In the end, I saw them walking over to the fire pit but ugh, it was killing me to see them standing outside shivering. What were they thinking going out with out winter coats? No outfit is cute enough in Colorado to not have a winter coat at 12:45AM. True fashionistas build in the winter coat as part of the ensemble. :)