Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So maybe I blog once a week

I was thinking about my blog over the weekend and it dawned on me that I haven't written on it for a whole week. This weekend was a little nutty with dental appointments and birthday planning etc.

My little boy has bad teeth. It's not really his fault. He has his mother's teeth. His father never got cavities, but his mother spent many days at the dentist and hence my fear of the dentist has never gone away. So, we have to do better regarding the sugar intake. We're cutting out the Capri Sun drinks and all other sugar.

He went with his friend Kyle to the Art Sports gym to go tumbling. He sat out early said he wasn't feeling well. They took the kids for ice cream afterwards and he didn't want any because he said - he didn't want any cavities. That just breaks my heart. He's scared and his upcoming appointment is all he thinks about. I wish I could take that fear away. I wish he wasn't like me in that way...teeth and fear. I want a strong kid who isn't afraid of the dentist. How do you do that when you're afraid of the dentist? Ugh!

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