Friday, January 8, 2010

Back to the grind

So, I guess I'm a fair-weather blogger. I go back to work and I completely abandon all of my new year's resolutions for the blog. Ah well, I guess if I was a stay at home mom I would have the time to blog every day or every week. Consequently, it's another one of those things that I ultimately don't really feel all that guilty about because I'm too tired to care. This week, I've been tired and my teeth hurt. This temporary crown stuff is painful. I have to take tylenol first thing when I wake up and before I eat dinner or else I'm in pain until I go to bed. David's like, why don't you call the dentist...well two things. I'm in school - I don't really have time to go to another appointment and I don't know that there's much they can do while I'm dealing with the temp crown. Ugh, plus I REALLY hate the dentist and if I can avoid it - I'm not going to go if I don't ABSOLUTELY have to go. In this case, my liver will regenerate, right?

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