Monday, January 11, 2010

Sushi and Karma

Ms. Coil told me that it was bad karma that is to blame for what happened on Saturday night. I think my sushi karma needs an injection of good light. All through the holidays, I had good shopping karma. I usually found a good parking spot or I got through the checkout lines without a long wait. When it comes to luck is running a little light. David took me to eat at my favorite sushi restaurant on Saturday night. First of all, they were having a large wedding reception at the restaurant so we had to wait quite a while for a table. The remanining part of the restaurant was packed with people trying to squeeze in the few available tables. Plus, I realize that while I've always been proud to be an American, I understand the view of "Americans" as obnoxious. It was a very stereotypical situation. My husband and I were sitting at our table next to a lesbian couple (I thinkthey were lesbian)and this guy comes up and is having a loud conversation on his bluetooth. For some reason in a Japanese restaurant I get very aware of my loud voice. Maybe it's the quiet/stealthy-ness of the staff but either way I feel like a bull in the china closet. So, this guy is having a confab with his buddy who evidently came and left and did not notice that Ron and Sheila were already here. Two time the wait staff about ran into him since he was standing in front of their station where they get drinks dropoff dirty dishes - their hub of activity. So, to get out of their way, he stands next to me - while on the phone. It was rude- I say - go outside or somewhere NOT on the dining room floor.
I wonder, if I go and eat A LOT of sushi...will that improve my sushi karma? Maybe that's how you improve your karma - do it A LOT more?!
So, I must have bad sushi karma. Well, it wasn't too bad because the sushi was yummy and my hubby actually liked the stuff I picked. He's so picky - he can't handle the Avalanche (too spicy). Wouldn't eat the philly with salmon and cream cheese. What a wuss!

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