Wednesday, June 29, 2011


So, I got this recommendation about a website for students/adults to get recommendations for books. It's like Borders built a site all about I need to navigate it before I totally get it. Plus, I haven't listed all of my books. I better not get some crappy recommendations just because I went through that darn Stephen King phase. Anywho...

My sister in law is coming tomorrow. I want to tell David that his sister is a scam artist and she's shaking him down for money. I want to tell him to tell her to get the hell off my lawn and don't let the door hit you in the a** on the way out. I want to tell him a lot of things...but I won't. I want him to recognize that my family through ugly times and good times - they love our children more than they love me :). They will always help us out in ANY form the can. That my parents are going to need us when hit advanced ages. I want David to realize that we do for each other because they do for us. It'll never be about

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