So, I logged into work email and found out three of our four students passed the GED and to be fair one girl was taken out of GED because was removed from pod and put on a pod that didn't allow her to attend my class. She said she was struggling with math and that's the subject she failed. It was a consequence of her decisions and actions that resulted in her removal, but I feel for the kid. I seriously doubt, however, that a few months in my class can take a student with 4th grade math skills to passing the's a WHOLE lot of info to cover in a short amount of time and a person doesn't just pick it up. It's like this class is a refresher. You may have learned it in the 8th or 9Th grade and you've forgotten it but you knew it at one point.
Anyway, I've decided that the minute Bryan and Christopher start arguing they are going to be banned from playing together. Today, Bryan started to throw a pouting fit and I yanked him up by his shirt collar and yelled at him. Scared the hell out of him and me too. I HATE when I get mad at Bryan like that. It's not good for him and it just makes me feel bad. I think I'm PMSing and yes, I think some months are worse than others and yes, it makes me angry.
It doesn't help that I found out today that David's sister WON'T be back for at least two more weeks. She said that her ex took the baby and won't give her back. My first question is Why did he have the baby in the first place? When she got the baby back after the last court deal - the baby's throat was so infected the baby could hardly swallow and had to get her medicine etc. WHAT in the hell is she doing letting him take the baby for a few days before she leaves? I won't say this to David, BUT I WILL BET ANYTHING that she wanted to take a few days to go party and say good-bye to all of her friends and then she couldn't find the loser SOB of a dad and then she was in a tough spot OR she wasn't ready to come back so quick so she told him to take her for however many days and it wasn't when she was due to leave so she makes up the story to cover her arse.
When she called David, she was acting all put out like nobody is willing to help her. David was like WTH are you talking about? Jacob is paying for you to fly back and forth for your kid to deal with a custody issue that SHOULD HAVE BEEN DEALT WITH BEFORE YOU LEFT...but ya didn't so he's now paying $400 to fly you back and David's Aunt is bending over backwards to help her reschedule her flight. All of these people are trying to help and she's mad because she's not getting what SHE WANTS. whatever! She was mad because her boyfriend hadn't reloaded a pre-paid debit card for her to use while she was out in CA but instead sent the money to his mom's house where she's out there. David pointed out that she didn't have an address to mail the money to and that's where she currently is and the poor guy was in the process of setting up direct deposit with this company and took a few days. He LITERALLY just started working with this company. She's mad because her mom doesn't have money to give her or won't give her. Another aunt of hers told her that she wouldn't give her money because she disagreed with her lifestyle. Oh, but you have to know that D's sister called one of their aunts and asked her for money from her will because at their grandmother's funeral the aunt mentioned that she wanted to leave some money to her. So D's sister calls the aunt to tell her that she's in the processing of moving to CO and wanted to see if she would give her the money now that the aunt mentioned leaving to her. When the aunt told her no, D's sister started to argue with her about it. David was's her don't have a right to ask her for it.
I feel like I'm talking about a drug addict. When I try to describe her to my parents, I don't know HOW to explain her b.s. and you have to know that it's all b.s. It's like this selfishness. David wants to help her, but he really doesn't want that crud in our life. He's freaking out. I told David that it's his turn to lose it...I'm calm. What his sister doesn't realize is that if she thinks she's going to come and live off of us she's totally high. If she stays here longer than a week, I'm going to introduce her to Carl Arnold. She hasn't met my family. They will get you mother and father are the king and queen of nags and helpers. If you're around them for any length of time...oh, you're in for it. You will be going to school and working before you know it. About two blocks from our house is Del Taco, Wal-Mart, Taco Bell and across Powers is Wendy's. I don't care if she has to work three jobs to make it full-time, but she has no excuse about not working. Every time I pull up to Wendy's or Del Taco...there's a new Now Hiring sign. I know the economy sucks, but there's work - even if it's flipping burgers she can get off her ass and go to to work. There's a day care right off of galley that stays open until 6pm and you can get discounts for day care if you're on welfare etc...and you know his sister is on welfare so guess what...between my parents, me and the day care center she'll have PLENTY of babysitters no excuses little girl...get off yer arse and find an f'n job. Plus, she has a vehicle. It sucks, but it runs. Anyway, I'm hoping she leaves soon after arrival, but she was already opening the door about how people keep saying she should just stay with her brother, but she doesn't want to screw that up. David said, he's not saying one word to her. He doesn't want her to think that there's an opening for her to move in.
Ugh, I'm done...two more weeks. We'll see.
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