Thursday, December 31, 2009

Condensing slide shows

So, now that I've figured out how to create a slide show and add effects and add music, captions, and upload it to the blog, I decided I needed to combine the cards on the slide show. So far I'm at 25 slides. I may end up making separate slide shows. I don't know. One thing I need to figure out is how to size it correctly to be situated at the side bar. So far, it's too big. I may need to reconfigure my template. Ugh. This is when I wish I were more tech-y and understood what I was doing in order to get what I want. C'est la vie...until then I'll keep playing.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Returning stamps

Well, I've had 2 sets of Renee's stamps since...this summer, I think. I've had them so long I don't remember when I borrowed them. Well, over the holidays I told Renee I would return them. I wanted to make a thank you gift for letting me borrow them and I wanted to use them one last time. I've been playing with the vellum flowers so I made a card holder with a couple of vellum flowers and the Rich Razzleberry paper. Renee loves purple and lavender. "It's like Blush and Bashful, they're my signature colors." ANYWAY, I wanted to use those colors. Now, I need to make another. I did want to get a photo of it in case I DON'T make another. The other card/post-it holder was a tutorial I just saw on SplitCoastStampers for matchbook thank you cards. I don't know if I'll give her the matchbook post-it holder - I was originally going to put a vellum flower on that but it was too much. I think the matchbook comes from the shape. It was super simple and so I had to try. I had to play with the scoring dimensions since I didn't follow the directions exactly (what a shock, me not following directions). Anyway. I practiced first then did's what I came up with.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Fresh Page

I've decided that my blog needed a new look. The bird and stuff is a little cutesy so we'll see how long it is before I get sick of looking at the pears and pink...but I need to rearrange my blog furniture so to speak...
So, I know that I'm not a pro at making cards, but I decided to post photos of my cards. I'm a hoarder when it comes to the cards that I make @ club and all they do is sit in my card box waiting for a moment of desperation when I need a birthday or thank you card in about 5 seconds and I don't have the time or energy to make a new card. Otherwise, I won't give them's like I made's ceases to exist if I give it away...bad logic - I know.

The impetus for this idea came from two sources. The first was Ms. Coil noting how on this one site which has free vintage clip art, this lady has professional photographs of her cards, AND we both agreed they're JUST cards. The second thing that happened over the holidays was my nephew's Christmas gift to my parents. The boys bought them a digital frame. Of course my parents handed it to me and asked me to set it up. Marc would've done it but we're the one-kid family and our world revolves around the little family and so in our singularity we have lots of photos. Yes, we have photos of OTHER people (but that's only if they happen to get in the shot of Bryan). No, just kidding. We have photos of Zach's little Mikaila too (so girly!). So, it fell upon me to upload photos. It wasn't hard per se, but it was a daunting task. It's one of those deals were you load it and hope like hell it works when you plug it back in because you never want to go through the whole ordeal a second time.
Adding photos will be easy but the first download was time consuming. While I was watching all of these photos scrolling across the screen, that's when I thought of my blog and visiting my cards.

I wanted to put my cards in my own frame. The next thing that dawned on me...I didn't create ANY of these cards. These are NOT my ideas and I can't take credit for the ideas. These are ideas that I saw/copied from the pages of Take Ten magazine, Split Coast Stampers, or Late Night Stampers, and a few that I outright stole from Ms. Coil :)!
Anyway, I'm going to post my cards to my blog page from now on. I don't have the professional camera equipment but don't tempt me. As I have time and ENERGY I'll post cards. I'm experimenting for now. Hey, it's Christmas break and this may be a one time shot, but here goes...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Fourth posting of the day

Guess what happens while you're on Christmas Break and you have LOTS O' TIME to peruse the web? Specifically - Split Coast Stampers and Late Night Stampers group?? Um yeah... I found Make my own slide show...hello I couldn't get it to load on my side nav. bar and I know you can add music to those things, but I'm working with an oldie but a goodie computer and I dont' know how much more she can take, Jim (said with a Scottish brogue). Oh, and speaking of Scottish mom gave dad the Susan what's her name CD for Christmas and it is BEAUTIFUL. I got the Andrea Bocelli (spell?) Christmas CD from David. Very good music this holiday. Other than that...I think I'm gettin' the hang of some of these fancy gadgets on my blog...that is until I screw up and the cussing will begin!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Observations and Epiphanies

So, when my son gets hurt I kiss him and tell him I'm sorry he got hurt. He responds by asking why I'm apologizing when it's his fault. What the hell? It dawned on me that I didn't have the answer and it made me look at myself? Crazy. Some would say I'm over thinking this (as usual) but it got me thinking.

Eh, he's six what the hell does he know?!

I have to tell this made my day in a creepy way. One of the gals on Puma staff told me that someone was gushing about me. It was nice to hear that, but on some level you want people to think nice things about you not share them with other staff. I don't know if this makes sense, but when she told me that I had an admirer I was bothered that someone saying things that I wouldn't want to hear first-hand. Anyway, she didn't tell me who it was and I don't want to know who it is because it's just weird and this way I don't have to worry about feeling awkward with the staff. I found out that I've been complimented...that's good enough. No?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Snow Days

let it snow let it snow let it snow...
What could be better than cruisin' the net while white flakes fall and Winter Warlock gently swirls snow like the Vermouth in an extra dry martini -almost touching the gin but not quite.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Glee obsession

My newest obsession...Glee. The music is so great. So, I think in a former life I was a singer. I know I'm lacking the ability to stay in key but gosh - I love trying and mangling them. My husband laughs because I never remember words...but that never stops me. Keep holdin' on...Maybe next time.
Also, Kristin Chenowith is like the professional skater she makes her vocal spins and jumps look like child's play.

Instead of making cards, I'm looking at other people's cards while I'm listening to Glee youtube vids. Good stuff!