Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Man in the Sky told me so...

Tonight Ms. C and I went to see the Invention of Lying then we went for Sushi. I think the Man in the Sky wants me to be happy, so he gave me Ms. Coil and a shared affinity for fish with rice and seaweed. AI Sushi- so very good - yummmm!

Anyway, before tomorrow comes and I forget this blissful fullness I thought I should share my thoughts about The Invention of Lying. And for Man in the Sky forbid, if you haven't seen the movie and don't want spoilers...stop reading NOW!!!

The beginning of the movie is REALLY dark and depressed. The characters, the tone, even the humor is very dark so at one point Ricky Gervais' character says people don't have anything to live for when they don't believe anything happens after they die so they treat each other like crap. These people all tell the truth and blurt out every hurtful thought that pops into their heads and there's no ramifications for all this truth telling. There's no joy for that matter. I like the Pepsi ad - when Coke's not available (very funny). I did cringe when I saw his 10 rules on Pizza Hut cardboard boxes and they drank Budweiser in every other scene. I kept thinking oh, nice product placement, so yeah, I cringed at that. Oh, before I forget, Pirate Radio preview - for anyone who's ever worked at a rock station and enjoys Brit-rock and a little anarchy with his Phillip Seymour Hoffman- looks like a must see!

So, I knew going in that Ricky Gervais is a TOTAL Atheist and really that's ok...he's no more a godless heathen than any other actor in Hollywood, so my expectations are low. I cringe when the discussion turns political and anti-Catholic because I don't need to argue nor defend my beliefs and I knew that this movie talks about God as part of some lie on Gervais' character's part. I read the descriptions for the movie and I was prepared for the anti-God movie. There were some parts that I cringed at but it wasn't because I was offended or belittled. At the end of the end of the movie, he confesses to Jennifer Garner's character that he made up the "man in the sky" to help his mom as she's passing, and at the end of the end of the movie the people don't all start lying which is where I thought the movie would go, but I thought it had an interesting idea.

When Gervais' tells everyone that there's something in the after-life, they all get really happy (not everyone - some wait to die for things to get better) and they think they have 3 strikes or they're out so they're nicer to one another. Yes, they all think if they're good they'll get a mansion and no, that's how I view religion, but in one part he nailed it on the head. I know that there is a heaven and it is a wonderful place and yes, I absolutely believe in it and some days that belief in Jesus and God and heaven is what gets you through the day. That silly saying - What would Jesus do - does teach you to treat others nicely. Fear, is a good thing if that's what keeps you on this side of humanity. I think having that faith of the after-life is something that you either have or never will.

Anyway, the movie was good. It made me think about my own faith in the God and the afterlife and I appreciated the fact that I know I shouldn't be scared when my time comes because there are better things on the other side.

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