Thursday, October 22, 2009


So, I have some serious gripes about the last few weeks! First, I was supposed to go to Breckenridge with my co-worker Jennifer but of course my Dad got sick. In the end it was fine because mom and dad needed me more than I needed new fancy socks from the sock store in Breckenridge. If you've never been, they really are worth a trip to the snowy resort shop. I love all kinds of socks; comfy, funny, practical, not at all practical, short, tall, thick, thin, etc. and the Sox Store leans towards the comfy - fun - thick side of sock stores. Last year, I also bought a pair of socks for B. that expand in water VERY COOL. He still wears the reindeer fun socks.
Anyway, I was ever so bitter and selfish about not getting to go but I knew we had a week off coming up and I thought at least I still have that time coming to screw around. maybe, we'd go see some movies or make some cards - whatever.
Well, I've been smote again. On Friday afternoon, I came home and I WAS SICK. I spent most of Saturday in bed. On Sunday, David took B. to Sunday school, bought pumpkins, groceries, and let me rest the whole day. By Monday, I thought I was getting better but I lost my voice. I thought I was just hoarse from being sick. By Tuesday my husband had enough and told me to go to the Dr. because I was definitely worse not better. He's probably tired of sleeping in the spare bedroom trying not to get sick.
So, after a $30 office visit and $35 worth of medicine - I found out that I did in fact start out with viral infection and I also have a secondary bacterial infection that prevented me from getting better. So, um yeah, it's Thursday and while I sound like crap - can barely talk above a whisper - I think I'm getting better. I hate being sick and while I hate being sick - I don't know what's worse, being sick during a vacation or wasting personal leave days for illness. On one level, I don't have to worry about a sub or lesson plans, but on the other hand...ugh, I've WASTED this entire week. I have this weekend, so hopefully, I won't be a waste of skin the whole week, but now I'm angry. I need a vacation!

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