Friday, April 16, 2010

What about your blog

So, Jackie emailed me and asked me about my blog...and I realized I haven't been here in such a long time. March 8Th to be exact. A lot has happened in the last month.

Last night my son lost his final wrestling match of the season. I don't think I will be a good soccer mom/stage mom. He was sooooo close to winning his first match. During the last 2.5 seconds the kid tied him and then was first to score in overtime. I felt so bad for him. I'm glad the season is over. I lose my voice the next day after a match. My heart can't take it.

I'm trying to get my last few credits in order to move up in the pay scale. I have lots of homework for all of these seminars. So far I've taken several Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I don't feel very effective in the last few weeks.

I have two students who can't write a multi-page paper for their Nova Net class; I have a student who FAILED the GED in a big bad way - which I can't personalize, but it is disheartening either way. Oh, and I have a girl resident who is accustomed to being the teacher's pet and when she doesn't get her way, she has a little Dr. Jeckyll and Hyde moment that makes me angry. I don't like asking a student to put stuff away 3 times and then that student turns on me? WTH? It makes me angry.

So, to sum up my last few weeks:
My son won the first two matches of the season and then proceeded to lose every last match the rest of the season and didn't even qualify for the tournament on Saturday.

Second, I have students who can't write a decent paper and have become the dirge of my existence, and finally, I have turn-coat students that I really don't like.
Oh, and I am supposed to be pre-active and help my students achieve. In order to complete this "training" I have to buckle down. ALL OF THESE classes are supposed to make me a better teacher and allow me to make more money but it's about doing something that isn't worth the headaches I have to endure. OK, enough pity party. It's Friday, and Stamp Club is tomorrow and maybe I just need to hone my creative side and that will lighten my mood.

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