Monday, August 10, 2009

summer fun

Today went to see Julie and Julia. Enjoyable movie and for once I didn't blubber all over Jennifer. Meryl Streep rocks the crap out of this movie. She does in every movie. She's like this chameleon that you forget is not the real person but the actress, and you have to remind yourself that she really isn't Julia Childs. So, in the movie, the other story is about a woman who decides her life is in a rut -blah blah blah - she writes a blog about her experiences. I laughed because I remembered that I started a blog this summer. When the hubby says she's narcissistic because of the blog. I thought wow, I don't know if I'm that selfish, but it made me think. I really enjoyed the movie today w/Jenn.

Afterwards we went to La Baguette for a late afternoon lunch. EVEN THOUGH THE ENTIRE RESTAURANT WAS EMPTY...the only patron to come in after us chose to sit down in the chair DIRECTLY behind me and of course she had to push her chair right up against mine. I thought Wow, is it me or is the entire restaurant EMPTY? It was funny, but I think I spoke my mind too loudly because when the lady got up to leave she said you can have your space back. Wasn't that kind of her!

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