Thursday, July 30, 2009

funny conversation

OK, I just sent my friend an email. She reads my blog and is probably wondering if I've lost it. So, here's two things that I have to repeat from my email. Instead of cussing (or the appearance of trying NOT to cuss) we have a running joke whichever student makes us the craziest we insert the last name instead of F**K or S**T-H**D or use your imagination. Well I just used the last name of an old co-worker and it sounded really filthy IN MY mind. I said I think my B-day is about to get Sauceda'd...and instead of a cuss word...made me think of dirty Sanchez. I just negated the point of using some one's last name instead of a cuss word. I wonder if this applies to all Spanish surnames or just the ones that start with...S?
I forgot to mention in my LAST blog entry that my crazy Aunt is coming to town. She's got a good heart and she's been really sick, so let me say when I talk crap about her that I'm just ensuring my one-way ticket to hell in a hand basket. BUT, the woman would drive a southern Baptist to drink. Yes, I'm reading another Charlaine Harris -Aurora Teagarden southern style mystery and I love all the Georgia references. She even defines how to define a "nice" southern woman. One question - do friends from Missouri count as southern ? I'll have to ask Coil. VERY funny author...okay, now that I am off topic with my A.D.D.-- the woman is coming to town and my husband made plans to meet up with her when? Oh, that's right this WEEKEND...shoot me. For his B-day next year, I need to re-read this blog and remind myself when he's not getting anything. No, I've decided it'll be fine, but when we go out to dinner I'm ordering the Porter House...just watch me.

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