Monday, July 27, 2009

Catching up on some summer reading

I was reading my EW last night and I realized that I haven't read much this summer. I usually look for stuff that's recommended in EW, but nothing caught my eye.

I was at Border's early this summer with Ms. Coil and I didn't find anything...Well, I saw some books. I couldn't pick them up much less buy any in front of Coil, because I don't think I could handle the reproachful eye she might give me. There are only so many trashy novels you can admit to reading before the cat is out of the bag and everyone realizes that you are nothing more than a hick-town girl listening to Paula Abdul and Madonna when everyone around you is listening to Bauhaus, Dead Milkmen or Scritti Polliti. sorry bad flashback to my first year at the college radio station. I remember the first time I saw a water bong at the station mgr's house...that he shared with what appeared to be 50 other people.
I also remember the first time I met Mary Moses...who will always remain to me the coolest chick EVER! Wow, I don't know where that came from, but anyway...I'm trying to catch up now with the summer reading.
I took Bryan to his swimming lesson. The kid will NOT stick his head in the water. What can I tell him...his mother hates to do it too. I can't criticize him for doing something that is pretty uncomfortable and not a lot of fun.
So, I'm trying to read books that I said I would read. Books that I told myself to read. So far, I keep looking for new books from author's that I've already read.
I have like 20 books on hold at the library. I don't know if I'll read them. I figure take them and try them out. I wish the library was like If you read would like this. Get these 2 books together and read them back to back. Borders knows how to get me to try new stuff just put it next to something that they know you'll like. Harry Potter next to this...Jane Austen next to that...
My mom wants me to read 3 stories (one was unfinished) by Jane Austen. I'm trying to read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I don't like it so far...but I'm trying.

I had all these plans for summer and after summer school, and so far I'm not getting much done. I say I don't know if I am going to teach summer school next year, but you know what, I don't know what else I would do with my time. It would be like these last 2 weeks. I know I should be doing something, but in the end nothing is motivating me to get it done. I don't know...maybe it was the displays.

1 comment:

  1. I only give you those scornful looks to amuse myself. Who knows, maybe one day I'll read one of your trashy novels. No skin off my nose if you don't like Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. I was disappointed by it, I already told you that.
