Friday, August 21, 2009

Found out that I can blog while at work

I got an email today that mentioned my blog and while I'm not one to take time from my employer, I had to see if it would work at work...voila...I'm on baby.
I won't write a long missive (is that the word?), but let's just say that I'm back at work and I've decided that I get why a lot of teachers don't DO summer school.
One little story. We work with a teacher that I won't name to protect the innocent and myself. She complained to me that the new schedule is brutal for her. She has 4 classes in a row. I mentioned that another teacher also has 4 classes in a row. When I mentioned that fact, she said "Oh well someone has to do it. I'm just exhausted every day." I don't remember trying to give her a brutal schedule. At the time, my main thought was to make all the pieces fit like a puzzle, but now that I have the bit of made me smile. Happy Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! D11 allowing youtube and blogger?! Incredible! It's like we might even be able to access stuff online that we could use in a 21st century classroom!
