So, I spent most of my time running and doing stuff. David and I managed to get the house clean. He did a lot outside and I spent time here and there cleaning and organizing. I also vented and had some good conversations with David. I finally felt free enough to vent about his mom to him. I didn't want it to be something that was a fight, but it was stuff that had to be said. The thing I feel best about was having him ask her about cleaning a bathroom. I've been slow to clean the bathrooms because it's something that my husband HAS NEVER HELPED ME WITH. I know that he really hates cleaning them and I can't stand a dirty one, so my OCD or whatever sends me over the edge to cleaning them. They are a gross and nasty thing to tackle and lately I've been VERY ANGRY about being the only one to clean a bathroom THAT EVERYONE uses. It's not like they urinate or defecate somewhere else. EXCEPT the dog...he's the one exception and that's on Michelle's list of to dos. So, I did tell David to ask his mother to pick ONE bathroom - don't care which one it is and be responsible for cleaning it. I said I will clean the one in our bedroom and which ever other one she doesn't clean. I think that's fair. If she were living in her own place she would have to clean her own toilet and this Ain't the FU**ING Ramada Inn!
Bryan had a really good time in his swim lessons with Dallin. I think he thinks that I didn't let him have much free time to play since the lessons were EVERY day...but he had a week of breakthroughs. He finally started riding his bike. If it was the last thing he did this was going to be to ride that damn bike. He went to ITz...he went to a sleep over at Dallin's house and his mom made a belated Star Wars Yoda cake for him. I think it was too much because he has this bad "entitled" attitude and it's going to get him into trouble with his dad.
I read 3 trashy novels...what else...oh and baby and I took a water waddles class. He doesn't love it but he did pretty good 3 out of the 5 days considering this was his first class.
Finally, my cousin is staying with my parents to dry and try her hand for a third time at rehab. I'm not loving it because she's smoking in MY old bedroom and my mom has problems with her breathing. I'm going to say something to her because it's really annoying me and I love my cousin but she's worn out her welcome with everyone else...she better not take advantage of my parents!