Saturday, March 5, 2011

Friends of Friends on Face Book

So, while the baby was sleeping and I couldn't, I decided to look at recommendations for FB friends. I wonder who they might know that I've forgotten. There are a few friends that I've never found on FB. I often wonder if they just haven't gotten the FB bite or maybe they got married and I don't know their last name or maybe they just don't want to be found. Anyway, while I was looking at my recommendations, I ran across the photo of this girl that I CAN NOT stand and underneath it said 20+ friends in common. That got me to thinking...there are 20+ other people that are friends with her, but she is someone I despise. Maybe I need to rethink the other 20+ people. Won't happen because I like the other 20+ friends - just not her, but then I thought about something another friend of mine said...who happens to be one of the 20+ friends that we're supposed to be nice to our enemies. I don't know, I'm not a good Christian much less good Catholic, but I haven't let go of old resentments.

Lent is around the corner...I see lots of fish in my future...maybe this is the time for me to try to let go of that anger (?) resentment (!). I've decided to give up the three C's - cookies, candy, chocolate. It'll probably be good for the baby and breast milk...I need another b...oh it'll be a benefit. Anyway, my Lenten sacrifice - cookies, candy, and chocolate and something that I've been hanging onto for too long...resentment. We'll see if I'm an emotional hoarder or not.

Friday, March 4, 2011


I'm not sure what happened to my background and I'm not even sure where to go to find a new one. I stopped updating my blog with any sort of regularity in March or maybe it was June or July. Crazy! Had a baby-husband is getting ready to start a new job and I'm not sleeping anymore. I realize that babies have this hormone that doesn't let you sleep. weird.
Okay, so I have a lot to say, but I'm exhausted and playing around on Facebook for 3 hours doesn't help. Goodnight blog. Maybe you'll get your over due makeover...there's always spring break.